The Incredible Power of SunFlour

The Incredible Power of SunFlour

In the founders journey to creating SunFlour, they discovered that sunflower seeds are the perfect solution to ‘having your cake and eating it too.’ Whereas diets heavy in carbohydrates (i.e. most gluten free baked goods) are a leading cause of obesity, diabetes and heart disease; sunflower seeds have the perfect balance of protein, fiber and healthy fats for keeping you full, sustaining your energy, and slowing your blood sugar response. SunFlour has 4X more protein and fiber than traditional gluten free flours and is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Starting the day with a SunFlour pancake, waffle, muffin or SunPower bar fills you up, gives you steady, consistent energy and sets you up to have a great day. Check out the balanced, positive nutrition of SunFlour:

  • Protein — 20% Daily Value to support muscle development and a healthy metabolism. Because protein takes 25% more energy to digest than carbohydrates or fat, you burn more calories just by adding more protein to your diet. The protein in SunFlour is all-natural, easier to digest and more bioavailable than refined protein isolates.
  • Fiber — 15% Daily Value to help you feel full longer, improving weight management and digestive health. Fiber also helps support a healthy glucose level and sweeps away bad cholesterol and toxins from your body. You’ll get more fiber than an apple or bowl of bran flakes.
  • Ideal Fat Profile — Don’t fear the good fats! They can actually help you lose weight, carry out bad cholesterol and support brain elasticity. 90% of fat in sunflower seeds is the healthiest type of plant-based fat (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) that delivers fat soluble Vitamin E and helps you feel full longer. Most progressive health practitioners recommend at least 1 serving of seeds or nuts daily, to increase these healthy fats.
  • Micronutrient Rich Gluten sensitivities and celiac disease can leave your intestines inflamed and block the absorption of vitamins and minerals. SunFlour can help naturally replenish vitamins and minerals your body is missing. SunFlour has 10–50% Daily Value of over 11 essential vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E, Folate, B-vitamins, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Selenium and Zinc. 

SunFlour Makes Nutritious Delicious!

Simply put, the healthy fats in SunFlour produce a naturally moist baked good. We sweeten most of our mixes with organic coconut palm sugar which is vitamin & mineral rich and low glycemic. To create a light, fluffy texture similar to traditional baked goods, we use an ancient grain, sorghum in several of our mixes. The end result is you’d-never-know-its-gluten-free baked goods - delicious and nutritious enough to be a hearty breakfast, a powerful snack, or even a meal substitute.

Free From Most Common Allergens

SunFlour is a perfect “nut free” alternative to nut flours, with all the nutritional benefits of nuts. SunFlour is gluten & wheat free, and is free of peanuts, soy and dairy.